Why subscribe?

Hey there! I’m Alex Lindahl.

I’m in the trenches with you. Building GTM and bringing new tech to market at early-stage startups.

Subscribe to level up on:

  1. Strategies that have helped companies break out & scale.

  2. Frameworks you can apply.

  3. Lessons & stories from the field.

This newsletter is for

  • GTM Leaders

  • Founders

  • Investors

A little about myself

Sales Leader & Enterprise Account Executive with 15 years of experience bringing new products to market at 6 Series A startups. Typically, I'm one of the first sales hires. I have a passion for helping customers adopt & be successful with new technologies within OSS, the cloud, & security (AppSec & CloudSec).

Some startups have been wildly successful like Acquia (sold for $1B) and Snyk ($7.4B valuation). I saw these companies go from $0 to $100M and $5M to $125M+ in 3-5 years. Both were wild rides and learned a ton about what it takes to scale a venture (and what "really good" looks like).

In my free time:

A girl dad to my incredible daughter.

Smoking meats on the grill.

Some photography.


Angel Investments:

- Digraph (FirstMark, Acquired by DataDog)
- Dooly.ai (BoldStart)
- AppSmith (Insight Partners, Accel)
- Rewind.ai (Andreesen Horowitz)
- Cake.ai (Primary Ventures)

Venture Capital:

- Limited Partner, Primary Ventures

GTM Advisory:

- Endor Labs
- Spiky.ai


- Underscore.vc Sales Core
- Boston College SSV Venture Partners

Subscribe to GTM Foundry

Level up on strategies, frameworks, & lessons to build early-stage GTM: Zero to Scale. Skimmable, 5-minute reads from a writer in the trenches.


Sharing lessons, strategies, and notes from over a decade of working at and angel investing in early-stage startups. 7 Series A companies so far, 3 that became billion-dollar companies (Acquia, Snyk, Chainguard). Currently a GTM Engineer at Clay.com